随着在过去十年的行业4.0技术的出现,机场经历了数字化,以利用这些技术的声称益处,如改善的运营效率和乘客经验。正在进行的Covid-19随着其变体的出现(例如三角洲,omicron)加剧了机场需要采用非接触式和机器人技术的新技术,以便在这种大流行期间提供旅行。然而,了解最近的挑战和成功因素,以便在机场采用数字技术。因此,通过对世界各地的机场运营商和管理人员的行业调查(n = 102,0.754,0.754 <Composite可靠性<0.892;在Covid-19期间进行),本研究确定了采用行业4.0技术(N = 20)所面临的挑战这加强了对机场支持技术采用的最佳实践或成功因素的理解。广泛使用的技术,组织环境(TOE)框架被用作调查问卷的定量部分的理论上。互补的定性部分用于支撑并延长调查结果。该行业调查是首要讨论,了解机场运营商在机场采用行业4.0技术方面的实施挑战。调查结果表明,尽管在机场采用各种行业4.0技术的通用挑战,但行业4.0技术在机场也没有在机场中实现相似的。
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机场一直不断发展和采用数字技术,以提高运营效率,增强乘客经验,从现有基础设施产生辅助收入和提升能力。 Covid-19 Pandemase也挑战机场和航空利益相关者,以适应和管理新的业务挑战,例如促进非接触式旅游经验和确保业务连续性。使用行业4.0技术的数字化为机场提供机会,以解决与Covid-19大流行相关的短期挑战,同时也为未来的危机做准备未来的长期挑战。通过对102条有关文章的系统文献综述,我们讨论了当前在机场,相关挑战以及未来的研究方向上采用行业4.0技术的现状。本综述结果表明,行业4.0技术的实施正在慢慢获得机场环境的牵引力,并在发展未来机场的数字转型旅程中继续保持相关。
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Uncertainty quantification is crucial to inverse problems, as it could provide decision-makers with valuable information about the inversion results. For example, seismic inversion is a notoriously ill-posed inverse problem due to the band-limited and noisy nature of seismic data. It is therefore of paramount importance to quantify the uncertainties associated to the inversion process to ease the subsequent interpretation and decision making processes. Within this framework of reference, sampling from a target posterior provides a fundamental approach to quantifying the uncertainty in seismic inversion. However, selecting appropriate prior information in a probabilistic inversion is crucial, yet non-trivial, as it influences the ability of a sampling-based inference in providing geological realism in the posterior samples. To overcome such limitations, we present a regularized variational inference framework that performs posterior inference by implicitly regularizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence loss with a CNN-based denoiser by means of the Plug-and-Play methods. We call this new algorithm Plug-and-Play Stein Variational Gradient Descent (PnP-SVGD) and demonstrate its ability in producing high-resolution, trustworthy samples representative of the subsurface structures, which we argue could be used for post-inference tasks such as reservoir modelling and history matching. To validate the proposed method, numerical tests are performed on both synthetic and field post-stack seismic data.
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Several self-supervised representation learning methods have been proposed for reinforcement learning (RL) with rich observations. For real-world applications of RL, recovering underlying latent states is crucial, particularly when sensory inputs contain irrelevant and exogenous information. In this work, we study how information bottlenecks can be used to construct latent states efficiently in the presence of task-irrelevant information. We propose architectures that utilize variational and discrete information bottlenecks, coined as RepDIB, to learn structured factorized representations. Exploiting the expressiveness bought by factorized representations, we introduce a simple, yet effective, bottleneck that can be integrated with any existing self-supervised objective for RL. We demonstrate this across several online and offline RL benchmarks, along with a real robot arm task, where we find that compressed representations with RepDIB can lead to strong performance improvements, as the learned bottlenecks help predict only the relevant state while ignoring irrelevant information.
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This article presents a novel review of Active SLAM (A-SLAM) research conducted in the last decade. We discuss the formulation, application, and methodology applied in A-SLAM for trajectory generation and control action selection using information theory based approaches. Our extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis highlights the approaches, scenarios, configurations, types of robots, sensor types, dataset usage, and path planning approaches of A-SLAM research. We conclude by presenting the limitations and proposing future research possibilities. We believe that this survey will be helpful to researchers in understanding the various methods and techniques applied to A-SLAM formulation.
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A default assumption in reinforcement learning and optimal control is that experience arrives at discrete time points on a fixed clock cycle. Many applications, however, involve continuous systems where the time discretization is not fixed but instead can be managed by a learning algorithm. By analyzing Monte-Carlo value estimation for LQR systems in both finite-horizon and infinite-horizon settings, we uncover a fundamental trade-off between approximation and statistical error in value estimation. Importantly, these two errors behave differently with respect to time discretization, which implies that there is an optimal choice for the temporal resolution that depends on the data budget. These findings show how adapting the temporal resolution can provably improve value estimation quality in LQR systems from finite data. Empirically, we demonstrate the trade-off in numerical simulations of LQR instances and several non-linear environments.
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This article presents morphologically-annotated Yemeni, Sudanese, Iraqi, and Libyan Arabic dialects Lisan corpora. Lisan features around 1.2 million tokens. We collected the content of the corpora from several social media platforms. The Yemeni corpus (~ 1.05M tokens) was collected automatically from Twitter. The corpora of the other three dialects (~ 50K tokens each) came manually from Facebook and YouTube posts and comments. Thirty five (35) annotators who are native speakers of the target dialects carried out the annotations. The annotators segemented all words in the four corpora into prefixes, stems and suffixes and labeled each with different morphological features such as part of speech, lemma, and a gloss in English. An Arabic Dialect Annotation Toolkit ADAT was developped for the purpose of the annation. The annotators were trained on a set of guidelines and on how to use ADAT. We developed ADAT to assist the annotators and to ensure compatibility with SAMA and Curras tagsets. The tool is open source, and the four corpora are also available online.
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Generative models have been very successful over the years and have received significant attention for synthetic data generation. As deep learning models are getting more and more complex, they require large amounts of data to perform accurately. In medical image analysis, such generative models play a crucial role as the available data is limited due to challenges related to data privacy, lack of data diversity, or uneven data distributions. In this paper, we present a method to generate brain tumor MRI images using generative adversarial networks. We have utilized StyleGAN2 with ADA methodology to generate high-quality brain MRI with tumors while using a significantly smaller amount of training data when compared to the existing approaches. We use three pre-trained models for transfer learning. Results demonstrate that the proposed method can learn the distributions of brain tumors. Furthermore, the model can generate high-quality synthetic brain MRI with a tumor that can limit the small sample size issues. The approach can addresses the limited data availability by generating realistic-looking brain MRI with tumors. The code is available at: ~\url{https://github.com/rizwanqureshi123/Brain-Tumor-Synthetic-Data}.
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We present Maknuune, a large open lexicon for the Palestinian Arabic dialect. Maknuune has over 36K entries from 17K lemmas, and 3.7K roots. All entries include diacritized Arabic orthography, phonological transcription and English glosses. Some entries are enriched with additional information such as broken plurals and templatic feminine forms, associated phrases and collocations, Standard Arabic glosses, and examples or notes on grammar, usage, or location of collected entry.
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目标:探索深度学习算法进一步简化和优化尿道板(UP)质量评估的能力,使用板客观评分工具(POST),旨在提高Hypospadias修复中提高评估的客观性和可重复性。方法:五个关键的邮政地标是由专家在691图像数据集中的专家标记,该数据集接受了原发性杂质修复的青春期前男孩。然后,该数据集用于开发和验证基于深度学习的地标检测模型。提出的框架始于瞥见和检测,其中输入图像是使用预测的边界框裁剪的。接下来,使用深层卷积神经网络(CNN)体系结构来预测五个邮政标记的坐标。然后,这些预测的地标用于评估远端催化性远端的质量。结果:所提出的模型准确地定位了gan区域,平均平均精度(地图)为99.5%,总体灵敏度为99.1%。在预测地标的坐标时,达到了0.07152的归一化平均误差(NME),平均平方误差(MSE)为0.001,在0.1 nme的阈值下为20.2%的故障率。结论:此深度学习应用程序在使用邮政评估质量时表现出鲁棒性和高精度。使用国际多中心基于图像的数据库进行进一步评估。外部验证可以使深度学习算法受益,并导致更好的评估,决策和对手术结果的预测。
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